Vieyra Software 应用

Physics Toolbox Proximeter 1.4.0
Vieyra Software
This proximeter app (beta version) identifiesif an object is present near the proximeter sensor (generallylocated near the top of the phone, where the ear is placed duringphone conversations).The Basic Mode identifies if an object is present near theproximeter.The Simple Timer Mode (1-0-1) measures the time between eachsuccessive sensor blockage.The Pendulum Mode (1-0-1-0-1) allows for timing of periodicproximity occurrences, such as a pendulum. A timed "event" beginswith the first pass of an object, and ends with a third pass,equivalent to one full period of pendulum motion.Data in the Simple, Gate, and Pendulum Modes can be exported inan e-mail or to Google Drive as a .txt attachment with commaseparated values (csv).Coming soon:The Gate Mode (1-0) measure the total time a gate isblocked.
Physics Toolbox Barometer 1.4.2
Vieyra Software
This app measures and displays a graph ofBarometric Pressure (hPa) vs. Time (s) that can be exported toGoogle Drive or in an e-mail as a .csv (comma separated values)attachment.This app can be particularly effective when measuring changes inatmospheric pressure due to weather, estimating changes in altitude(on amusement park rides, elevators, car travel across mountains),monitoring air cabin pressure changes during an airplane ride,estimating the strength of a vacuum chamber, or even observingchanges in air pressure due to photosynthesis and plant respirationwithin a closed system.Visit the following link for a number of formal and informalreferences for how users are using Physics Toolbox Apps in theircourses, research, and work: Explained:android.permission.WAKE_LOCK: Used to keep the device awake onlywhen recording barometric data to csv. (Example: After pushing therecord button, the app will continue to collect data even whenplaced in a pocket during a roller coaster ride, and will turn offonly after data recording has been stopped.)android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: A csv file is createdand modified on the phone's internal memory.If you have any questions, comments, or would like to seemodifications/updates, please email me at
Physics Toolbox Thermometer 1.4.2
Vieyra Software
This app displays a graph of Temperature(Celsius) vs. Time (s) that can be exported as comma separatedvalues (csv).This app requires a phone with an ambient temperature sensor;the Galaxy S4 and Note 3 have the A csv file is createdand modified on the phone's internal memory.If you have any questions, comments, or would like to seemodifications/updates, please email me at
Physics Toolbox Color Gen 1.4.0
Vieyra Software
This app produces blank, full-screen colors inprimary (red, green, blue), secondary (magenta, cyan, yellow),terciary (white), and custom color settings. The color generatorcan be used with activities associated with the addition of light(using multiple device screens), color absorption and transmission(placing filters or gummy candies of different colors and observinglight that absorbs and transmits), and color reflection (observingand sorting colored candies under monochromatic light).When the full-screen colors are produced, virtual screen buttonsare turned off to prevent light contamination.Check out "Resources" on the Vieyra Software website for examplelesson plans using this app.
Physics Toolbox Color Detector 1.0
Vieyra Software
Detects HEX colors of a focal point onthescreen via the camera. It also provides the common name ofthecolor most similar to that detected. Use the "Copy" button tocopythe HEX value onto the clipboard. This app can be usefulfordetermining the color composition of an object, and can beusefulin science courses for analyzing spectra and measuringchemicalconcentrations of aqueous solutions.
Physics Toolbox Hygrometer 1.4.0
Vieyra Software
This app displays a graph of Humidity (%) vs.Time (s) that can be exported as comma separated values (csv).Currently the only devices with a Hygrometer are the Galaxy S4and Note A csv file is createdand modified on the phone's internal memory.If you have any questions, comments, or would like to seemodifications/updates, please email me at
Physics Toolbox Pitch Detector 1.1
Vieyra Software
The app is in beta version.Pitch frequencydetection is dependent upon the device microphone. App works bestwith constant sound.
Physics Toolbox Wear 1.1
Vieyra Software
This is a beta version. Right now the apponlyshows accelerometer and gyroscope data on the paired AndroidWeardevice. Coming soon, capability to record data, displaygyroscopeand magnetometer data, voice commands, etc.To run the app, go to start on your Android Wear device, andthenselect Physics Toolbox Wear, or say "start Physics ToolboxWear" onyour Android Wear device. To use the app it is necessaryto re syncapps on the Android Wear app.
Physics Toolbox UV 1.0
Vieyra Software
This app displays the UV values by using theUVSensor on the Note 4 and Note edge smartphones. The UV sensorisunique to the Note 4 and Note edge, so the app will not workonother devices.
Physics Toolbox Sensor Suite 2023.01.07
Vieyra Software
Record, display, and export data from your smartphone's internalsensors.
Physics Toolbox Sensor Suite P 2023.01.21
Vieyra Software
Record, display, and export data from your smartphone's internalsensors.
Physics Toolbox Accelerometer 2021.08.07
Vieyra Software
Displays g-Force, linear acc., gyroscope, and inclinometer. Exportas .csv file.
Physics Toolbox Magnetometer 2021.08.08
Vieyra Software
Displays a graph of Magnetic Field vs.Time graph in x, y, z. Exportas a .csv
Magna-AR 2023-01-22
Vieyra Software
Visualize in AR magnetic fields using your smartphone internalmagnetometer.